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Experience Beats Money Every time
Expensive gear is just expensive
When it comes to purchasing outdoor gear, many people believe that the more expensive the item is, the better the quality. However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are many instances where cheaper products are just as good if not better than expensive ones.
One of the main reasons for this misconception is the branding and marketing. Big-name outdoor companies often charge high prices for their products, in part because they invest heavily in advertising and sponsorships. This can lead people to believe that these expensive products are superior to cheaper ones. However, this is not always true.

One example of this is the recent development of synthetic insulation. In the past, down was the only insulation option for outdoor gear, and it was notoriously expensive. However, synthetic insulation is now widely available at much lower price points. It has been proven to perform just as well as down in many situations, and it is often more durable and easier to care for.
It is also important to note that sometimes, expensive products are simply not worth the cost. Outdoor gear can be priced based on features that you may never use or need. For example, a high-end backpack may have a hydration system, a built-in rain cover, and many pockets and compartments. However, if you only plan to use the backpack for day hikes or short camping trips, you may not need all of these features. Purchasing a cheaper backpack without these extras could be a better choice.

When Men were Real Men
So, what should you look for when purchasing outdoor gear? First, consider your needs and how you will be using the product. Look for products that have features and materials that will suit your specific needs without paying for extras you won't use. Be sure to also read reviews from other outdoor enthusiasts to get an idea of how well the product performs in real-world situations. And then make your own opinion.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that the price of outdoor gear does not always reflect its quality. While some expensive products are worth the investment, many cheaper products are just as good if not better. Use your own judgement and research carefully to find the product that is right for you and your specific outdoor activities. Brands we use and love, expensive or not; Sitka Gear, Vortex and Leopold Optics, Scarpa Boots, Honda and Suzuki Wheelers.